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Find Physical Activities That You Enjoy!


Updated: Aug 25, 2021

The physical activity guidelines for children and young people aged 5 to 18, according to the NHS are:

- 2 types of physical exercise each week. These are aerobic exercise and exercises to strengthen muscles and bones. You should aim for an average of at least 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity a day across the week.

For young adults aged 19 and over, you should aim to do some type of physical activity everyday.

Many young people's exercise routines were disrupted due to Covid-19 and some even stopped exercising completely because of the lockdowns and restrictions. One of the aims of this campaign is to encourage people to find physical activities and sports that they enjoy. To do this, we have created a Physical Activity page with a list of sports and activities that you may enjoy. Some activities have links to websites where you can find out more about clubs and courts. Pick what interests you and get active!

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